Food and Agriculture
KS CAC/GL 58:2005
Code of hygienic practice for meat
Covers hygiene provisions for raw meat, meat preparations and manufactured meat from the time of live animal production up to the point of retail sale..
Kes 4,696.00
KS 1552:2016
Code of hygienic practice for milk and milk products.
Prescribes the requirements for hygienic practice for production,, processing, handling bulking and distribution of milk and milk products...
Kes 3,308.00
KS 1551-1-3::2001
Code of practice for handling and distribution of fresh fruits and fresh fruit products.
Prescribes the procedures for handling and distribution of fresh fruits and fresh fruit products in three parts - Part 1: Fresh fruits - Part 2: Fresh fruits for processing, and Part 3: Fresh fruits, fruit salad and cut-fruits..
Kes 3,308.00
KS 144:1979
Code of practice for pig housing.
Deals with the constructional structure required for housing of pigs..
Kes 3,167.00
KS 145:1983
Code of practice for poultry housing.
Lays down the requirements for location, space requirements and methods of construction of different classes and types of poultry houses including the necessary fixtures and equipments. It applies to brooder houses, layer or broiler houses and cage ..
Kes 3,038.00
KS CAC/RCP 69:2009
Code of practice for prevention and reduction of ochratoxin A contamination in coffee
Apply to validation of control measures at any stage of the food chain2...
Kes 3,038.00
KS CAC/RCP 72:2013
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of ochratoxin contamination in cocoa.
Provides guidance for all interested parties producing and handling cocoa beans for human consumption...
Kes 3,038.00
KS CAC RCP 55:2004
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in peanuts
Intended to provide guidance for all interested parties producing and handling peanuts for entry into international trade for human consumption..
Kes 3,038.00
KS CAC/RCP 59:2010
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of aflatoxin contamination in tree nuts.
Provides guidance for all persons involved in producing tree nuts for entry into international trade for human consumption...
Kes 3,167.00
KS CAC/RCP 77:2017
Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of arsenic contamination in rice.
Intends to provide national food control authorities,producers,manufacturers and other relevant bodies with guidance to prevent and reduce arsenic contamination in rice as follows:i) Source directed measures and ii) Agricultural measures...
Kes 2,163.00