Food and Agriculture
KS CAC/GL 10: 2015
Advisory lists of nutrient compounds for use in foods for special dietary uses intended for infants and young children.
Lists nutrient compounds, which may be used for nutritional purposes in foods for special dietary uses intended for infants and young children in accordance with 1) the criteria and conditions of use identified below and 2) other criteria for their u..
Kes 3,437.00
KS ISO 5498:1981
Agricultural food products-Determination of crude fibre content- General method
Specifies a conventional method for the determination of the crude fibre content of agricultural food products..
Kes 2,884.00
KS 2526: 2014
Agricultural liming materials Specification
specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and tests for agricultural liming materials...
Kes 2,163.00
KS ARS/AES 01:2014
Agriculture-Sustainability and eco-labelling-Requirements.
Provides requirements for the sustainable production, processing and trading of agricultural products including food, beverages and non-food products; livestock and livestock products, bee products; wild harvested products; and agricultural fibre pro..
Kes 3,862.00
KS 2546:2014
Albumen flakes of non-edible quality Specification
specifies the requirements and the methods of sampling and test for albumen flakes of non-edible quality...
Kes 2,884.00
KS EAS 104: 2014
Alcoholic beverages - Methods of sampling and test.
Prescribes methods of sampling and test for alcoholic beverages...
Kes 5,067.00
KS ISO 7304-2:2008
Alimentary pasta produced from durum wheat semolina-Estimation of cooking quality by sensory analysis Part 2: Routine method.
Specifies a method for assessing, by sensory analysis, the quality of cooked alimentary pasta in the form of long, solid strands (e.g. spaghetti) or short, hollow strands (e.g. macaroni) produced from durum wheat semolina, expressed in terms of the..
Kes 3,167.00
KS 2947:2021
Amaranth grain - Specification
Specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for whole grains of amaranthus obtained from A. hypochondaricus and A. cruentus and any other variety duly approved and released by Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, as a grain..
Kes 2,163.00
KS ISO 12078:2006
Anhydrous milk fat-Determination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Reference method).
Specifies a gas liquid chromatographic reference method for the determination of the sterol composition of anhydrous milk fat extracted from dairy products...
Kes 3,308.00