Textile and Leather
Textile and Leather
KS 688:1986
Glossary of terms used by the clothing industry.
Lists terms and definitions used by the clothing industry..
Kes 5,407.00
KS 208:1981
Glossary of textile terms for natural fibres.
Prescribes definitions of textiles, terms commonly used in the textile trade relating to natural fibres such as coir, cotton, silk and wool..
Kes 5,067.00
KS 207-1:1979
Glossary of textile terms pertaining to defects in fabrics.
Prescribes definitions of textile terms pertaining to defects in textile fabrics and some principal causes for some of the defects..
Kes 3,308.00
KS 210:1982
Glossary of textile terms relating to fabrics made from natural fibres.
Prescribes definitions of textile terms relating to fabrics made from natural fibres namely cotton, wool and silk..
Kes 4,696.00
KS 209-1:1981
Glossary of textile terms relating to man-made fibre and fabric industry - Part 1: Man-made fibres.
Gives definitions relating to man-made fibre and filaments..
Kes 5,407.00
KS 209-2:1979
Glossary of textile terms relating to man-made fibre and fabric industry - Part 2: Man made fibre-fabrics.
Gives definitions of textile terms relating to man-made fabrics..
Kes 5,407.00
KS 1058:1993
Graphic symbols for textile machinery.
Lays down the graphic symbols and the corresponding referants and are suitable to be placed on any part of any kind of textile machinery in order to instruct the persons handling the equipment, or parts of the equipment, as to their setting operation..
Kes 3,038.00
KS 1188:2002
Guide to garment quality and relevant Kenya standards.
Provides guidance or relevant Kenya standards and factors concerned with quality to be considered at the various stages in the design and manufacture of all types of garments..
Kes 3,038.00
KS EAS 962:2020
Hair spray - Specification
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for hair spray. This standard is applicable to both water based and oil based hair sprays delivered by the aerosol or non-aerosol system..
Kes 3,167.00
KS 1401-1
Half slips Specification Part 1: Ladies slips
prescribes the requirements for half slips for women and girls...
Kes 2,884.00