Food and Agriculture
KS EAS 992:2020
Beeswax - Specification
Specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for beeswax intended for use in the food industry..
Kes 3,038.00
KS 2356:2016
Bio-fertilizer - Specification.
Specifies requirements for bio-fertilizers. It does not cover manures and plant growth promoters. ..
Kes 2,884.00
KS EAS 781:2024
Biscuits- Specification
Specifies the requirements and methods of sampling and test for biscuits intended for human consumption..
Kes 3,038.00
KS ISO 6078:1982
Black tea - Vocabulary
Provides a list of terms and definitions, applicable to the techniques of processing and assessing black tea for commerce...
Kes 3,437.00
KS EAS 28:2019
Black tea-Specification
Specifies requirements, sampling and test methods for black tea of Camellia sinensis (Linneaus) O. Kuntze..
Kes 2,884.00
KS EAS 890:2018
Blended edible oils-Specification.
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for blended edible oils of plant origin intended for human consumption...
Kes 2,163.00
KS 2839-2:2023
Blended flour - Specification Part 2: Maize and sorghum blend
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for blended maize and sorghum flour prepared from the grains of common maize (Zea mays L.) and sorghum grains (Sorghum bicolour (L) Moench.) or a mixture of their flour thereof intended for hu..
Kes 2,884.00
KS 2839-3:2023
Blended flour - Specification Part 3: Maize and millet blend
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for blended maize and millet flour prepared from the grains of common maize (Zea mays L.) and pearl millet of varieties (cultivars) souna and sanio grown from Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br or f..
Kes 2,884.00
KS 2839-1: 2023
Blended flour -Specification Part 1: Maize and cassava blend
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for blended maize and cassava flour prepared from the grains of common maize (Zea mays L.) and cassava tubers (Manihot esculenta Crantz) or a mixture of flours thereof intended for human consum..
Kes 2,884.00
KS 2839-4: 2023
Blended flour -Specification Part 4: Wheat and sweet potato blend
Specifies the requirements, methods of sampling and test for blended wheat and sweet potato flours prepared from the grains of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sweet potato chips (Ipoemea batatas.) or a mixture of their flour thereof inten..
Kes 2,884.00