KS ISO 11568-4:2007
Banking - Key management (retail) - Part 4: Key management techniques using public key cryptography.
Specifies techniques for the use and protection of the cryptographic keys of public key cryptosystems, when used in a retail banking environment..
Kes 3,437.00
KS ISO 7341:2005
Banking - Nostro accounts reconciliation.
Specifies the data to be contained on a loro account statement (also known as vostro account), and the format of such data..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO 10126-1:1991
Banking - Procedures for message encipherment (wholesale) - Part 1: General principles.
Designed to protect, by means of encipherment, financial messages (entire messages or encipherment elements) exchanged through any communications architecture..
Kes 3,308.00
KS ISO TR 17944:2002
Banking - Security and other financial services - Framework for security in financial systems.
Provides a framework for standards dealing with security that are deemed necessary for the financial industry..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO/TR 19038:2005
Banking and related financial services - Triple DEA - Modes of operation - Implementation guideline
Provides the user with technical support and details for the safe and efficient implementation of the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA) modes of operation for the enhanced cryptographic protection of digital data. ..
Kes 4,820.00
KS 2869:2019
Baobab fruit pulp powder-Specification
Specifies the requirements, sampling and test methods for baobab (Adansonia digitata) fruit pulp powder suitable for use as a beverage and nutritional supplement..
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 7250-3:2015
Basic human body measurements for technological design Part 3:Worldwide and regional design ranges for use in product standards.
Provides worldwide and regional tables of design ranges for use with product standards for equipment design and safety that require ISO 7250 body measurement data input...
Kes 3,708.00
KS ISO 7250-1:2017
Basic human body measurements for technological design-Part 1:Body measurement definitions and landmarks.
Provides a description of anthropometric measurements which can be used as a basis for comparison of population groups and for the creation of anthropometric databases (see ISO 15535)...
Kes 4,696.00
KS ISO/TR 7250-2
Basic human body measurements for technological designPart 2: Statistical summaries of boby measurements from individual ISO populations
Provides statistical summaries of body measurements together with database background information for working age people in the national populations of individual ISO member bodies...
Kes 4,820.00
KS 2369:2018
Basic minimum standards for adventure tourism activities-Requirements.
Prescribes basic minimum requirements for land, water and air adventure tourism activities, and corresponding code of conduct for participants...
Kes 5,407.00