Civil Engineering
KS ISO 4211-3: 2013
Furniture - Tests for surface finishes Part 3: Assessment of resistance to dry heat.
Specifies a method for the assessment of the resistance to dry heat of all rigid furniture surfaces regardless of materials...
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 4211-4:1988
Furniture - Tests for surfaces - Part 4: Assessment of resistance to impact.
Specifies a method of assessment of resistance to impact of the surfaces of finished furniture..
Kes 2,163.00
KS 2819-2:2018
Furniture-Test methods Part 2:Top cyclic test.
Prescribes the test methods for cyclic top load test for free standing office furniture...
Kes 2,163.00
KS 2819-3:2018
Furniture-Test methods Part 3:Lock test for drawers supported by work surface.
Covers freestanding desks such as single and double pedestal desks and extended units both adjustable and fixed height...
Kes 1,854.00
KS 2819-4:2018
Furniture-Test methods Part 4:Outstop of desk drawers to withstand an abnormal pull-out.
Sets out a method of evaluating the ability of the outstops of desk drawers to withstand an abnormal pull-out force...
Kes 1,854.00
KS 2819-5:2018
Furniture-Test methods-Part 5:Rebound test for drawers supported by work surface.
Sets out a method of evaluating the operational characteristics of a desk drawer to ensure that it will not bounce back out when closed with force...
Kes 1,854.00
KS 2819-6:2018.
Furniture-Test methods-Part 6:Racking test.
Sets out a method of evaluating the ability of a desk to withstand reasonable handling...
Kes 1,854.00
KS 2819-7:2018
Furniture-Test methods-Part 7:Drop test.
Sets out a method of determining the ability of the desk to withstand impact on the legs or on closed base or plinth...
Kes 1,854.00
KS 2819-8:2018
Furniture-Test methods-Part 8:Leg strength test.
Sets out a method of evaluating the ability of supporting legs (or slab ends) of a desk to withstand static loads to which they may be subjected when in use such as pushing or pulling during handling or during shipping...
Kes 2,163.00
KS 2817:2018
Furniture-Wooden office table-Specification.
Prescribes the requirements and methods of test for wooden tables for office use...
Kes 3,167.00