Textile and Leather
Textile and Leather
KS EAS 1097:2023
Cattle feedlot operations - Specification
Specifies requirements for cattle feedlot. It includes space requirements, feeding and watering facilities...
Kes 2,163.00
KS 1465:2005
Children's anoraks - Specification.
Specifies the make-up, design and performance requirements for children's anoraks..
Kes 2,163.00
KS 675:2024
Chromed crust bovine leather - Specification.
Prescribes requirements for chromed crust bovine leather...
Kes 2,472.00
KS 1306:1999
Classification and nomenclature of dyeing, printing, finishing and allied accessories.
Gives classification and a nomenclature for machines and apparatus used in the bleaching, dyeing printing and finishing industries classified as far as possible by the operations for which they are intended..
Kes 3,167.00
KS 836-1:1991
Classification and terminology of stitches and seams - Part 1: Types.
Classifies, designates, describes and illustrates the various kinds of stitch types used in hand and machine-sewn seams..
Kes 5,562.00
KS 836-2:1993
Classification and Terminology of stitches and seams - Part 2: Seam types.
Classifies, illustrates and designates the various kinds of most commonly used stitched seams..
Kes 5,562.00
KS ISO 8232:1988
Closed-circuit dry-cleaning machines - Defining and checking of machine characteristics.
Specifies a closed-circuit dry-cleaning machine, and methods of checking solvent consumption, efficiency of solvent recovery during drying and solvent concentrations in the atmosphere surrounding the closed-circuit dry-cleaning machine..
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 18163:2016
Clothing - Digital fittings - Vocabulary and terminology used for the virtual garment
Defines the terms that are commonly used for the digital fitting system. The digital fitting system includes virtual fabric, virtual fabric properties, virtual garment pattern, virtual garment pattern properties, virtual sewing line, virtual garmen..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO/TR 2801:2007
Clothing for protection against heat and flame - General recommendations for selection, care and use of protective clothing
Sets out guidance for the selection, use, care and maintenance of clothing designed to provide protection against heat and flame...
Kes 3,437.00
KS ISO 11612:2015
Clothing for protection against heat and flame - Test methods and performance requirements for heat-protective clothing.
Specifies the performance requirements and test methods for protective clothing materials and gives design recommendations for the clothing where necessary..
Kes 3,437.00