Mechanical Engineering
KS ISO 4548-5:2020
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines - Part 5: Test for cold start simulation and hydraulic pulse durability
Specifies a method of testing the ability of full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines to withstand an internal pressure surge such as occurs when an engine is started from cold, and cyclic internal pressure variations experie..
Kes 3,038.00
KS ISO 4548-6:2021
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines - Part 6: Static burst pressure test
Specifies a method of testing full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines to determine their ability to withstand a static pressure objective and to determine their burst pressure and the failure mode concerned..
Kes 2,163.00
KS ISO 4548-7:2012
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines - Part 7: Vibration fatigue test
Specifies a method of testing the constructional integrity of full-flow lubricating oil filters to withstand engine vibrations ..
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 4548-9:2008
Methods of test for full-flow lubricating oil filters for internal combustion engines - Part 9: Inlet and outlet anti-drain valve tests
Specifies methods of measuring the effectiveness of either inlet or outlet anti-drain valves if fitted to a full-flow lubricating oil filter of the spin-on or easy change type, for internal combustion engines..
Kes 3,038.00
KS 783-10:1990
Methods of test for gasket materials - Part 10: Adhesion of gasket materials to metal surfaces.
Provides a means of determining the degree to which gasket materials under compressive load adhere to metal surfaces..
Kes 2,472.00
KS 783-2:1990
Methods of test for gasket materials - Part 2: Compressibility at room temperature.
Gives a method of test for compressibility and recovery at room temperature of gasket materials..
Kes 2,163.00
KS 783-9:1990
Methods of test for gasket materials - Part 9: Thermal conductivity of materials.
Covers a method of measuring the amount of heat transfer quantitatively through a material or system..
Kes 2,472.00
KS 783-1:1989
Methods of test for gasket materials.Part 1:Classification of gasket materials
It gives a classification of gasket materials and the tests applicable to each class...
Kes 2,884.00
KS 783-4:1989
Methods of test for gasket materials.Part 4:Sealability of enveloped gasket
It outlines a method of evaluating the sealability of enveloped gaskets...
Kes 3,038.00
KS 783-5 :1990
Methods of test for gasket materials.Part 5:Creep relaxation of a gasket material.
It gives test methods of measuring creep relaxation of a gasket material at a given time after a compressive stess has been applied..
Kes 3,038.00