Mechanical Engineering
KS ISO 6855-2: 2012
Mopeds - Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Part 2: Test cycles and specific test conditions.
Defines test cycles for measurement for gaseous exhaust emissions from mopeds, as well as for determining the fuel consumption of mopeds as defined in ISO 3833, equipped with a spark ignition engine (four-stroke engine, two-stroke engine or rotary ..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO 6855-1: 2012
Mopeds - Measurement method for gaseous exhaust emissions and fuel consumption Part 1:General test requirements.
Specifies the general test requirements for measurement for the gaseous exhaust emissions from mopeds, and for determining the fuel consumption of mopeds as defined in ISO 3833...
Kes 4,820.00
KS ISO 28981:2009
Mopeds-Methods for setting the running resistance on a chassis dynamometer
Specifies the measurement method for determining the moped running resistance on the road, and two methods of setting the chassis dynamometer with the moped running resistance...
Kes 3,437.00
KNWA 2460:2013
Motor vehicle garages for repair and services- Code of practice
Contains a series of requirements and practices to be observed in the repair and services of motor vehicles at garages..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO 10190: 2008
Motorcycle chains - Characteristics and test methods.
Specifies the dimensions and mechanical properties of roller and bush chains (together with details of associated chain sprockets), in the range 6,35 mm to 19,05 mm pitch, for use in motorcycle applications. These chains are suitable for external d..
Kes 3,167.00
KS ISO 10231: 2003
Motorcycle tyres - Test methods forverifying tyre capabilities.
Specifies test methods for verifying the capabilities of tyres for motorcycles...
Kes 3,038.00
KS EAS 476:2008
Motorcycle tyres - Test methods verifying tyre capabilities.
Specifies test methods for verifying the capabilities of tyres for motorcycles..
Kes 3,038.00
KS ISO 6054-1:1994
Motorcycle tyres and rims (Code-designated series) - Diameter Codes 4 to 12 - Part 1: Tyres.
Lays down the designation, dimensions and load rating for an inchcode-designated series of tyres for motorcycle fitted on rims with nominal diameter corresponding to the codes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12..
Kes 2,472.00
KS EAS 475-1:2008
Motorcycle tyres and rims (code-designated series) - Diameter Codes 4 to 12 - Part 1: Tyres.
Lays down the designation, dimensions, and load ratings for an inch-codedesignated series of tyres for motorcycles, fitted on rims with a nominal diameter corresponding to the Codes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12..
Kes 2,472.00