KS ISO 1013:2020
Coke - Determination of bulk density in a large Container.
Specifies a method for the determination of the bulk density of coke in a large container such as a wagon or skip..
Kes 2,163.00
KS ISO 567:1995
Coke - Determination of bulk density in a small Container.
Specifies a method for the determination of the bulk density of coke in a cubical container of capacity 0,2 m3..
Kes 1,854.00
KS ISO 616:1996
Coke - Determination of shatter indices.
Specifies a method for determining the strength of coke by the shatter test..
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 1014:1985
Coke - Determination of true relative density, apparent relative density and porosity.
Specifies methods of determining the true relative and the apparent relative density of coke, crushed to 212 in relation to water..
Kes 2,163.00
KS EAS 335:2023
Cologne, hydrosols and toilet waters - Specification
Specifies the requirents and methods of test for cologne intended for human use...
Kes 2,884.00
KS 1424:1997
Colour code for identification of petroleum products supply, storage and distribution systems.
Specifies the colour codes to be used for identification for petroleum products supply, storage and distribution..
Kes 2,163.00
KS 163:2000
Colours for ready mixed paints (Second Edition).
Covers 100 colours, including black and white for ready mixed paints grouped as far as possible in accordance with the hue, greyness and weight attributes..
Kes 3,308.00
KS 2618: 2016
Commercial stationery books - Specification.
Specifies the requirements and test methods for commercial stationery books such as invoice, delivery order books, purchase order books, petty cash order books, monthly attendance report books, cash sale, receipt books used generally in commercial ..
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 4178:1980
Complete, filled transport packages - Distribution trails - Information to be recorded.
Specifies the information to be recorded when carrying out distribution trails involving complete, filled transport packages..
Kes 2,163.00
KS 2203:2009
Compressed air for breathing apparatus - Specification.
Specifies requirements and test methods for compressed air supplied for use with self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathing apparatus and open-circuit compressed air..
Kes 3,308.00