KSISO/IEC 15421:2010
Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code master test specifications
Specifies the requirements and test methods for physical and related attributes of a bar code master..
Kes 3,038.00
KS 2986:2024
Information technology - Big data - Overview and vocabulary
Provides a set of terms and definitions needed to promote improved communication and understanding of this area...
Kes 3,038.00
KS ISO/IEC 20547-3:2020
Information technology - Big data reference architecture Part 3: Reference architecture
Specifies the big data reference architecture (BDRA). The reference architecture includes concepts and architectural views...
Kes 5,407.00
KS ISO/IEC 20547-4:2020
Information technology - Big data reference architecture Part 4: Security and privacy
Security and privacy aspects applicable to the big data reference architecture (BDRA) including the big data roles, activities and functional components and also provides guidance on security and privacy operations for big data...
Kes 4,944.00
KS ISO/IECTR 20547-5
Information technology - Big data reference architecture Part 5: Standards roadmap
Describes big data relevant standards, both in existence and under development, along with priorities for future big data standards development based on gap analysis...
Kes 3,308.00
KS ISO IEC/TR 20547-2:201
Information technology - Big data reference architecture Part 2: Use cases and derived requirements
Provides examples of big data use cases with application domains and technical considerations derived from the contributed use cases..
Kes 20,110.00
KS ISO IEC 19784-1:2018
Information technology - Biometric application programming Part 1: BioAPI specification
Defines the application programming interface (API ) and service provider interface (SPI) for standard interfaces within a biometric system that support the provision of that biometric system using components from multiple vendors..
Kes 19,312.00
Information technology - Biometric data interchange formats Signature/sign time series data Part 7: Signature/sign time series data
Specifies data interchange formats for signature/sign behavioural data captured in the form of a multi-dimensional time series using devices such as digitizing tablets or advanced pen systems...
Kes 7,570.00
Information technology - Cloud computing Guidance for policy development
Provides guidance on the use of international standards as a tool in the development of those policies that govern or regulate cloud service providers (CSPs) and cloud services, and those policies and practices that govern the use of cloud services..
Kes 3,862.00