Textile and Leather
Textile and Leather
KS ISO 13999-1:1999
Protective clothing - Gloves and arm guards protecting against cuts and stabs by land knives - Part 1: Chain-mail gloves and arm guards.
Specifies requirements for the design, penetration resistance, ergonomic characteristics, straps, weight, material, marking and instructions for use, of gloves and arm guards..
Kes 5,407.00
KS ISO 22608:2021
Protective clothing - Protection against liquid chemicals - Measurement of repellency, retention, and penetration of liquid pesticide formulations through protective clothing materials
Specifies a test method to measure repellency, retention and penetration of a known volume of liquid pesticide when applied to protective clothing material...
Kes 3,308.00
KS ISO 27065:2017
Protective clothing - Performance requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying pesticides and for re-entry workers
Establishes minimum performance, classification, and labelling requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying liquid pesticide products diluted in water...
Kes 3,308.00
KS ISO 6530:2005
Protective clothing - Protection against liquid chemicals - Test method for resistance of materials to penetration by liquids
specifies a test method for the measurement of indices of penetration, absorption and repellency for protective clothing materials against liquid chemicals, mainly chemicals of low volatility...
Kes 2,884.00
KS ISO 15025:2016
Protective clothing - Protection against flame - Method of test for limited flame spread
specifies two procedures (surface ignition and bottom-edge ignition) for determining flame spread properties of vertically oriented flexible materials in the form of single or multicomponent fabrics (coated, quilted, multilayered, sandwich construc..
Kes 3,437.00
KS ISO 13688:2013
Protective clothing -General requirements
Specifies general performance requirements for ergonomics, innocuousness, size designation, ageing, compatibility and marking of protective clothing and the information to be supplied by the manufacturer with the protective clothing..
Kes 3,437.00
KS ISO 27065:2017/AMD 1
Protective clothing -Performance requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying pesticides and for re-entry workers
Establishes minimum performance, classification, and labelling requirements for protective clothing worn by operators applying liquid pesticide products diluted in water...
Kes 2,472.00
KS ISO 14460:1999
Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers - Protection against heat and flame - Performance requirements and test methods.
Specifies test methods, performance requirements and design parameters for clothing for protection against heat and flame intended for drivers in automobile competitions..
Kes 2,884.00
KS ISO 11613:2017
Protective clothing for firefighter's who are engaged in support activities associated with structural firefighting - Laboratory test methods and performance
Specifies test methods and minimum performance requirements for protective clothing used by firefighters who are engaged in support activities of firefighting. This clothing is not intended for interior attack firefighting. ..
Kes 3,708.00
KS ISO 11611:2015
Protective clothing for use in welding and allied processes.
Specifies minimum basic safety requirements and test methods for protective clothing including hoods, aprons, sleeves, and gaiters that are designed to protect the wearers body including head (hoods) and feet (gaiters) and that are to be worn durin..
Kes 3,308.00